Outreach and assisting scientific society/researcher/publisher implementation

use this Google Doc first and only update on GitHub the rows that are already assigned to specific people.

DutchRoyal Belgian Society for ZoologyJournal of Zoology (English only?)Eli Thore
DutchDutch Bryological and Lichenological Society“Buxbaumiella”, publishing in both Dutch and EnglishEli Thore
Chinese (traditional)
Norwegian (both)
PolishPolish Academy of Science published several journalsLosia will contact
Czechhttps://www.casopis.ochranaprirody.cz/Nina Trubanova
NorwegianBjorn Saetrevik
FarsiAcoustical Society of IranJournal of Acoustical Society of IranSaeed Shafiei Sabet

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